International Women's Day

International Women's Day

8th Mar 2016

Women are amazing! We can be powerful, successful, content and happy (and working closer towards adding equal to the list every day...)

International Women's Day is celebrated around the world on March 8th. This month we are highlighting the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women over the years in the hope to bring about more awareness and support the transformation of women's and girls lives in our region, and the world, for the better.

We are celebrating the success of fabulously fierce women past and present, for without them we wouldn't be living the lives we are lucky enough to be living right now.

Throughout our Shop we have displays honouring some of these incredible women, so come in, read their stories and be inspired. There were SO MANY unbelievable stories to tell we are changing our display every week to try and share them all with you. For those of you who don't reside in the Ridge we will also be posting many of them to our Facebook page:

Here are just a few snipets to get you excited...

Oprah (pictured below) - “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”

Marie Curie - “Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.”

Diana Princess of Wales - “Only do what your heart tells you.”

Malala Yousafzai (pictured above) - “I tell my story, not because it is unique, but because it is not. It is the story of many girls.”

Lucille Ball - The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.”

Elsa Peretti - (jewellery designer) "What can I say about my jewellery? It speaks for itself. To me, style is to be simple."

For more information on International Women's Day, to see specific events being held near you, or to donate, please visit the official website: